DUE to COVID-19 - This class has been cancelled. Please contact us to schedule a private lesson.
Sea Kayak Rock Garden Class on the Mendocino Coast
The Pour-over is one of the most popular and fun ocean rock gardening moves for both sea kayakers and whitewater kayakers. A pour-over is riding the swell or wave over a rock. The saying that "Timing is Everything" is so true for riding pour-overs and playing in other rock garden features. We can help . . .
Join us for this 2 day class refining your skills for running pour-overs and playing in ocean rock gardens. With our coaching, you will be running pour-overs with finesse and style. This is the perfect adventure for those who want to play and work on skills like timing.
Prerequisite skills include ability to swim 25 yards with your equipment, fitness and paddling skills to paddle 6 miles, maneuvering in tight spaces, paddling backwards with control, bracing, being able to paddle as a group, and self and buddy rescue skills. To maximize your success and fun, we highly recommend taking Liquid Fusion Kayaking's Touring Ocean Rock Gardens Class prior to taking the Pour-Over Class. Dressing for immersion (wetsuits or drysuits) is required. For more recommended skills check out the American Canoe Association Coastal Kayaking Skills - Level 3.
$299*/person (kayak rentals are available for $50/kayak/day).
Space is limited to 6 participants to maximize everyone's fun and learning.
Maximize your fun in the Sea by extending your weekend to join us for Friday Whitewater of the Sea, and/or Monday Coastal Play Day.